-Real World Info- Name: Ryo Aoimoto Gender: Male Age: 23 [hider=Appearance] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120302090320/utanoprincesama/images/7/7f/R-tokiya-intro.jpg] [/hider] Personality: Ryo is obsessed with beauty, or at least his view of beauty. He can come off as very vain and narcissistic, which is partially true, and he will admit he is, but there is much more to him than his self love. If he finds anything that catches his interest he will generally go all out to obtain it, find out more about it, and study it. He goes off on binges regularly doing this, spending days at a time off on a random tangent. Usually such things will also find there ways into his art, and he will claim that it is by those things that he gets his inspiration. He is not the best at reading situations, or so he would like others to believe, he is very clever, but will blissfully act ignorant. Location: Tokyo, Japan (yeah...i don't know wards and such) Occupation: Studying Digital Art at the university. -Online Info- Name: Cryto Alias: Synthetic Angel Race: Aasimar Gender: Male Level: 49 Class: Adept Rogue (Blade Brandier(1) + Macabre Dancer(3)) [hider=Avatar]: [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/269/f/6/azure_cryto_by_omnialificent-d80ki0i.jpg][/hider] Personality: Much like his real personality, only power and strength is another thing he views as a form of beauty, and likewise, weak things are deemed ugly and distasteful. If it is accepted, yeah! if not, I'll change it when I awake...I'll also probably edit it more when i awake anyways, just minor things though.