Reposting cs here. [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] Name: Press Dalton Race: Human Age: 17 Gender: Male Bio: Born into a moderately rich family, Press has a rather high IQ, and hones his skills in creating and perfecting machines. Then a sudden accident occurred, which resulted in the loss of his arms. Fortunately, certain family connections were able to grant Press two robotic arms, one left and one right. After a year in recovery, which mainly involved getting used to his new robotic arms, Press spent his free time thinking of ways to improve his arms. Months passed, and he decided that he should use his arms and his other creations to help others. Of course, that was easier said than done, but he definitely tried. The police, however, refused to accept his handiwork, on account of his age. Stymied, he thought about what to do, and his thoughts wandered to the Hunters and Huntresses. The more he thought about it, the more he was sure. He wanted to be a Hunter. He upgraded his arms, created his own set of weapons, and entered Haven Academy. He gradually improved his fitness as well as his machines, created new arms to replace his outgrown old ones, and transferred to Beacon. [hider=Weapon(s)]His left and right arms, which have become weapons that he personally designed. They are named Ranger and Warrior, respectively. Both are designed to mimic the appearance of regular human arms until they transform. -His right arm can transform into a long double-sided blade, with the base at the elbow. It can also turn into a mace, with the hand turning into a spherical mace head with retractable spikes and the upper arm capable of extending and retracting to allow extra reach and increased force. Both forms can be imbued with the four basic types of dust to deliver extra damage as well as producing their own effects. When imbued, the blade edge / mace head will glow, depending on the dust being used. -His left arm can transform into a gun, firing ammo (dust that can act as either bullets or grenades, of course) in either a single-shot or burst-fire setting. His goggles are linked with it, allowing him to lock on to a target for an easier time aiming. At the end of the gun barrel, there is a knife-like blade with a sharp edge, added there for those just-in-case moments. He also wields a large [url=]wrench[/url] as well as a small buckler. They have nothing special about them. Their primary function is to merely hide the fact that his true weapons are his arms. [/hider] [hider=Semblance]Fulgurkinesis. In other words, being able to create and manipulate electricity. Can be used in a variety of ways, from being conducted in his weapons to creating magents.[/hider] [hider=Strengths]-His arms are much stronger than an ordinary human's, capable of lifting up to about 400 lbs. -As mentioned before, he has a rather high IQ, coupled with a normally calm personality, which gives him the ability to strategize very well compared to some of his peers.[/hider] [hider=Weaknesses]-His arms need routine maintenance at least once per day due to their design and use, otherwise they will tend to not respond at times or, in worst-case scenario, cease to function entirely. -He isn't very durable, and often relies of moving out of the way or blocking with his metal arms, which are more than capable of taking hits.[/hider]