This is something that I feel I need to raise, as it's become increasingly an issue I've seen. I'm not going to be outright and say the previous Guild had more Military RPs, but I feel as if there isn't anything left of the genre. There are no more RPers simply setting up RPs that are military-based, and that if I jump into Casual, I haven't seen any for the last few months. Now, I'm not suggesting that I force people into making military RPs, but the problem remains- what of it? I want to see who cares about it, and if the unanimous decision is that nobody does (apart from a dozen or so of incredibly loyal RPers that I play with, and whom I appreciate fully), then honestly, where did it fall apart? I mean, I remember back in old Guild days, they were at least 1 of every 20, 30 or even at it's worst, 40 RPs or so. Now, I swear there isn't anything more left of it. So, I draw two conclusions: 1) All the people that did them are gone (this isn't the case entirely- the rough dozen I play with are still in the Guild) 2) Nobody wants to GM an RP of that kind, due to the complexities of running such an RP (it's a different beast to a regular RP in certain ways, but honestly not that much harder). As in, I search the guild, no military or combat themed RPs apart one or two, and my own set in a period between the 20th Century or even the C21st. No WW2 RPs, no Vietmam, or contemporary in Afghanistan or Iraq, or Special Forces, none of that shit (all of these are examples). At all. Now, whilst I acknowledge that I'm going to get told that the Guild has changed, and that it has become a different beast altogether, I've RP'd them specially for the last four years on this guild, for at least three and a half of those as a GM of sorts. I've seen them fall apart despite my every effort. Don't take me the wrong way either- I have done a few RPs outside of the genre (Racing (this in itself is almost dead, very sadly), a few Sci-Fish and other strange concepts unrelated to any sort of military theme, or even with any contemporary combat (eg. Heist RPs, Assassin RPs), and I know the broader spectrum of RPing from past experiences. So I know that when I say military was among fantasy, Sci-Fi, Fandoms and other RP genres, it stood it's ground well. So it brings me to this, that I'm beginning to wonder: What now? I mean, I am dedicated to the guild, I genuinely have found people that I can become friends within out of the Guild through these RPs, and whilst it is great to form awesome friendships, I'm going to a lot of effort in my RPs for comparatively little (No, it's not even people who leave RPs that this rant is at, it's the total lack of participation and creation). I haven't even participated in a military RP for the last six months. I've had to GM my own due to the lack of them- and this is a harrowing fact, as sadly, I cannot play in the sandbox of someone else's creativity, only my own, which is a bit harrowing, as a result of that. Prove me otherwise people. Tell me that there is a place for it here, that I'm not a lone lunatic who feels like this. That military RPs do exist and that there's at least a ramshackle community that knows how I feel. And dammit, if I am, then I still know that I'll commit to my little niche as best as I can, and you know, put out the quality of RP that I do (with active criticism of what I do and write, which helps me to directly improve the workings of the RPs I run).