-I'd forgotten to mention that the healing process is not something he can pop off on the fly. It is a process that requires entering a meditative state to stave off wounds so the fact that it's something that would take time would make it something that is pretty abysmal in terms of usability in the midst of combat. It's more of an after or before combat skill. -The way I designed it is the Ripple hinges on precision. The wider the cone of his combustion the less intense while if focused to a cone the dimensions of 2x2 inches it can be used to pierce through iron and the power of it is scaled proportionately to the area it is applied. Much like the concept of pressure, the larger the area the lower the pressure exerted. -This I put as an arbitrary placeholder until I could think of something more reasonable I will admit, haha. Like I said I'm not very good at making super powered characters. I decided the amount would be that the manipulation of electrons would allow him to move at a speed of 60 mi/h -Oh there is a certain limit to how much he can expend and I wasn't planning on godmodding him, I was going to go into the various limitations in his techniques while in combat but the greatest of his technique is that he has to be able to breath to do it. If his air supply is cut off while he may still be superhuman certainly not to the extent he would be with the Ripple.