[b]Name:[/b] Carmine Vermeil [b]Race:[/b] Faunus (Salamander) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b][hider=Carmine][IMG]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/salamader_zpsc2d61b25.png[/IMG] [i]Carmine's Faunus nature manifests as slitted lizard-like pupils and a long forked tongue.[/i][/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] Carmine was born and raised in Menagerie, and thus experienced the discrimination of humans and the hatred of her fellow faunus directly. Even in the aftermath of the Faunus Rights Revolution, which ended the human's attempts to restrict all faunus to Menagerie, tensions were still high and the wounds still fresh. Carmine's parents were staunch pro-faunus radicals and may have also been members of the White Fang movement. Regardless, they went out to a demonstration one day and never came back. With no more ties to Menagerie, and no real feelings of hatred towards humans, Carmine decided to leave Menagerie and explore the Four Kingdoms of Remnant. It was during her journey that she first encountered the Grimm. She was travelling to Mistral in a ground caravan, Airship travel being far to expensive for the faunus and lower-class humans, when her group was attacked by a pack of Beowolves, not an uncommon occurrence on such dangerous journeys. The entire caravan would have been slaughtered were it not for the timely intervention of a Huntress from Beacon, who had been tracking the pack for some time. To this day Carmine remembers the sight of the Huntress swooping in like an avenging angel to bring down the hand of death on the monstrous Grimm and from that moment, she decided that she wanted to be like this beautiful heroine. Carmine arrived at Mistral and immediately applied to Sanctum, where she studied for a year before transferring to Signal in Vale. It was in Signal Academy that Carmine created her weapons and when she graduated from Signal she immediately applied to Beacon. [u][b]Weapon:[/b][/u] [b]Fervent Talons:[/b] Carmine wears a pair of red gauntlets that have four retractable curving claws each, about as long as her forearms. Fixed to the top of each gauntlet is also a short gun barrel that rapidly fires small calibre ammunition and can be auto-loaded with Dust augmented fire bullets. [u][b]Semblance:[/b][/u] [b]Dragon's Breath:[/b] Carmine can breathe out a steady stream of intensely hot fire. [u][b]Strengths:[/b][/u] [b]- Skill:[/b] Carmine is a skilled hand to hand combatant. She is naturally agile and fast. Not to mention that, like most faunus, she possesses near perfect night-vision. She is also able to pick up different "tastes" in the air with her forked tongue, assisting in tracking. [b]- Semblance:[/b] Carmine's [b]Dragon's Breath[/b] is not only extremely hot, capable of melting steel if given enough time, but she is able to breath fire continuously for two minutes straight before running out of stream, so to speak. [u][b]Weakness:[/b][/u] [b]- Social:[/b] Carmine is not used to people, her only meaningful interaction with other people either being full of anger and hate or simply instructing her to do things. She is quite capable of following another person's lead, but suffers if forced to take the initiative. [b]- Aura:[/b] Carmine has an average Aura, at best.