[img]http://i1047.photobucket.com/albums/b477/ERode/SuicideEyes_zpsaf55bf81.png[/img] [url=http://i1047.photobucket.com/albums/b477/ERode/SuicideParralels_zpsc1a99385.png]"Don't ask about the bunny."[/url] [b]Ashart Gin | Chimpanzee Faunus | 17 Year Old Male[/b] Sakanade Textiles, one of the leading clothing production companies in Vacuo, has had a long history of having their top executive positions filled by accomplished, human Hunters and Huntresses, most of which come from the Sakanade family itself. Despite this, though, the textile company has often fallen under the criticism of Faunus-Rights groups in regards to the many below-minimum-wage Faunus whom they employ in sweatshops. Though their connections with the Vacuo government, and other influential members of society had kept any police investigations at bay, it did not spare their factories from attacks by White Fang. In response to this, Sakanade Textiles started investing in security companies, taking note in a particular company by the name of the Silver Star Protection Firm. Composed only of primate-based Faunus, many of which have also possess credentials from either the military or Huntsmen facilities, the Silver Star Protection Firm is run by the Gin family. A long-term contract was quickly drawn up, and soon, the White Fang found that it would be wise to switch targets to other companies. Ashart Gin is the second son of the CEO of Silver Star. Young, quiet, and devoted, he was trained amongst his siblings, yet also had the unique opportunity to see the inner side of the Sakanade family. Becoming both a protector and a friend of Cororo Sakanade, as well as an object of great interest in the eyes of Cororo’s little sister, Arara, Ashart was able to take full leverage of the fact that he was a Faunus who looked exactly like a human. He sparred with Cororo on a daily basis, had fancy, fake tea parties with Arara, and trained as hard as any of his other siblings. Those were nice days for him, even though his expressions never betrayed such thoughts. It was at the age of 12 that he was sent to Firelight, a preparatory school for Hunters. With his past training, as well as the fact that his opponents needlessly underestimated his physical strength due to his appearance, Ashart quickly became a figure that the teachers loved. With tons of recommendations, he graduated and chose to attend Beacon Academy to finish his studies. He misses the kids of Sakanade from time to time, but he knows that they’ll meet again. [hider=Weapon] [b][i]Prefix Cide[/i][/b] For someone who looks like such an aloft, old-fashioned person, Ashart Gin uses quite a crude, brutal weapon. Wielding what amounts to a glorified baseball, Prefix Cide is a two meter long, cylindrical mace with a black-leather grip, composed of a special steel alloy. The end of the hilt has a twenty-centimeter long silicon ribbon, which is often wrapped around his dominant arm. This isn’t just any ribbon though. Indeed, the true form of Prefix Cide is that of a railgun-mace combination, in which the railgun part of the weapon is activated through the flexible touchscreen interface that takes the form of the ribbon. When activated, the mace splits into four sections, exposing the core of the hilt, in which a large Dust cartridge rests. Through electromagnetism powered by Dust, the metal projectile is shot out with an effective range of one hundred meters, capable of piercing through practically any physical obstacle. Despite this range though, even this isn’t the ‘true’ form of Prefix Cide. If Homicide is the mace form, Regicide is the railgun form, then one should ask. What is Deicide?[/hider] [hider=Semblance] [i][b]Change the World[/b][/i] Ashart possesses the ability to change the world in a subjective manner. That is, he is capable of altering his own perceptions. In its simplest, most basic form, he is able to create illusions that only he, himself, is able to perceive. He can see the line of fire for guns, the curving of the winds, the ripples of sounds, so many things that normal people can’t see with open eyes. However, what makes this semblance truly powerful is his ability to manipulate his perception of time. For ten seconds every day, Ashart is able to slow down his perception of time to such a degree that it would appear as if time had stopped. In conventional combat, barring the usage of any Dust, this ability gives him a monstrous advantage. When he needs to relieve sexual stress, this ability is also sorta really useful.[/hider] [hider=Strengths and Weaknesses] Being a chimpanzee Faunus trained in the art of 'suppression' ever since he was a child, Ashart is pretty damn good at fighting without killing, either through weapon-usage or empty-handed. Being someone who knows perfectly well how good he looks, as well as a background of being connected to high society has made him a very socially adept person. If he was a player, he'd probably have quite a selection of sexual partners. But he's not that type of person, so he keeps his chastity...for now. Being a Faunus who focuses on his physical abilities has diminished his growth in terms of Aura control, which is partially why his strongest ability, time perception manipulation, is limited only to ten seconds a day. Anymore, and it'll exhaust his small Aura reserves. [/hider]