[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/weQcz7P.png[/img][/center] Ace easily managed to go over the bar easily. There was no tricks. She just wanted to keep centered. She hovered along, looking up when she noticed the dark clouds forming overhead. She raised an eyebrow as lightning formed and began knocking unlucky contestants down. "Well, this is exciting." Seeing Ran and Riley zooming past made her huff a little. She was starting to get a little more competitive- more so because of the girly named Ri, but she could only laugh when she heard her friends screaming in terror. She looked over as Lavi caught another ball, and then grinned a little deviously. "Can I borrow that?" He gave a curious look but handed her the ball before zooming past her to make the ramp. Ace took his advice, even managing to do a [url= http://i.imgur.com/DJMlRHg.gif] cool skateboard trick [/url] in the process. "Sweeet!" She applauded herself before realizing the crowd cheered as well. But her attention turned to her Riley and Ran up ahead as Lavi spoke about morals and helping. "Aw man....I was going to use this ball to hit Ri." But, she couldn't just let her friends be attacked like that. "Alright Lavi. Your turn to be impressed." She smirked and held the ball in her right hand, holding out her thumb with her left. "There's seven of them... This should work for at least...four." Lavi rode next to her, now more confused. Jay had been pushed away by Riley so he decided to go along and help Toby. The one helping him decided to grab a head start while others were distracted by the two that were causing trouble. "Aim, and...Fire!" She hurled the ball towards the group. It hit someone right in the face, making him fall off his board and knock someone off theirs. "Twooo, annnd-" When it hit the first, the ball bounced and hit a hoverboard causing that person to spiral out of control into another. Comically, the person that was hit tried to grab on to a third, causing three of them to fall. "Five! Now that was just good luck!" [center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/oa3nrn.jpg[/IMG][/center] "W-Wow. Impressive. That is most certainly a new trick." He looked around to see the shocked faces of the crowd. The two were on either side of Ran and Riley as they tried to get situated again. "I hope you two are alright?" Lavi easily maneuvered away from the unsteady and chaotic duo. "Sir, whatever happened to your hoverboard? I've never seen someone share theirs before. You humans are quite an interesting group." He chuckled and watched as Ace sped forward, finding the speed boost. With a small bow, he departed from the two to catch up with Ace. The redhead didn't know why he took interest in helping her, but she didn't mind it too much. Lavi was pretty helpful after all. "I found the speed boooossst!" Ace yelled and speed forward again. Lavi chuckled and followed her, much more casually. He pointed forward and called over to Ace. "Heads up, you have a items box headed your way." "Item box?" Sure enough, Ace ran right into a shining box, knocking the air out of her lungs for a brief moment. "Ow..." She coughed and looked down at the box in her grasp. Ace came to a decent speed and she watched as the image in the box spun around like the lottery machine. When it stopped, it showed a big red button- and the box evaporated into an actual big red button. "What's this do?" [I]"Uh oh! It looks like trouble for the leaders!"[/I] The announcer yelled out in excitement, but that didn't help Ace figure out what it was. Lavi decided to help her. "That button in your hand sets off traps towards the front. It hinders whoever has the lead, but only for [url=http://timertopia.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/15-second-timer.gif] 15 seconds [/url]. So you don't have too much time to catch up." That devious smile returned to Ace's face. "Alright gramps, keep up!" Lavi pouted a little and crossed his arms, speeding up when she did. "I have you know, I'm in my late twenties. I'm nowhere near a gramps!" Ace only laughed in response before pressing the button down. When she did, it disappeared. [Center] [img]http://i805.photobucket.com/albums/yy334/defangbasilica/Ri.jpeg[/img][/center] "Ah, Lavi. Always have to be the nice one. I don't see why he wastes his time helping those guys." She had spotted him on the screen a few times around the others, especially when he and Ace stopped a swarm of contestants. Well, either way, only one could be number one and she planned to be just that. Until a large fan appeared out of nowhere and sent her and a few others backwards. Ri let out a yelp of surprise and was sent toppling backwards. Fortunately, at the last minute her straps caught her feet- but that didn't stop her from spiraling out of control when the cannons appeared and hurled those blue dodge balls at them. Ace saw the collision on screen and grinned. "Man, I love this race." Thanks to Riley and Ran, a lot of the contestants had fallen behind. Some were knocked off their board, and some were just too pensive to be around the dangerous duo. And thanks to Ace, even the people in the lead were having a hard time. She wasn't even racing to win at the time, she was just having fun- and she wanted to mess with Ri for being slightly condescending towards them. Both so far had been accomplished. Somewhere earlier in that time frame, the lightning had stopped as well. [I]"You've witnessed it first hand folks! This is the most intense and chaotic tournament we have had in history!"[/I] [Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/qG9dVJ5.jpg[/IMG][/center]