Re-post because ER-sama demands it. [center][url=]Did you want something from me?[/url] [url=] Oh that? A gift from my father. I don’t plan on wearing it any time soon.[/url][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Oren Haul [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] The first thing most people notice about Owen is the discipline he has, the certainty in every movement he makes. Confident, he faces whatever life throws at him as unflinchingly as he can. He gives off the impression that he might be stuck up, but thankfully he keeps his mannerisms to himself and doesn’t expect them of those around him; understanding others’ situations obviously differ from his own. Keeping things brief is something of a habit for Owen, even in his free time and frankly he isn’t much for small talk. He won’t tell you off for trying to strike up conversation, but don’t expect too much from him. While he wasn’t drastically different before, the few years he served in the Atlesian military prior to Beacon did mold him somewhat. On the topic of his service, it was something his parents required of him before they allowed him to pursue a life as a Huntsman. Frankly, it was safer and if he couldn’t handle it than Beacon likely would have killed him. As it was, Owen had little troubles, most of which had to do with his age, and left the service with more friends than he joined. His father even arranged for a special gift to be given to the defender of humanity in-training. Prior to those three years, he had spent his time at a combat Academy in order to prepare for Beacon. His parents had allowed it on the condition that he first serve the kingdom before he left, and he saw no reason to refuse. Both were places and positions he could earn valuable experience at. He crafted a weapon for each year he attended the Academy, Sonig during his first, then Elemen, and finally Analdfflam during his final. It was also here where he first had his Aura unlocked and discovered his Semblance. [b]Weapon:[/b] He’s more like a soldier in this regard than his peers, but Oren carries multiple weapons with static forms rather than a single weapon that can shift between a number of forms. He denies any accusations of lacking craftsmanship and says, “They’re more reliable this way.” Aside from the custom weapons he's made for himself, Owen also has a number of standard Atlesian infantry weapons that he maintains and practices with. [url=]Analdfflam[/url] is his primary weapon of choice. Its edge is sharp and doesn’t dull easily, though the weapon as a whole is exceptionally sturdy in construction. The weapon’s active ability is powered by fire Dust, with the canister inserted at the hilt. When used, fire bursts forth from between the two blades. Contained, the intense flames extend the sword’s reach by a good foot while heating the metal red hot, allowing it to cut more easily. [url=]Sonig[/url] is Oren’s backup weapon. A small combat knife, its effectiveness should not be underestimated. The piece that looks like a pistol barrel at the top of the blade is actually a Dust container. The Dust stored within can be converted directly to kinetic energy which causes the blade to vibrate at high intensities, allowing it to carve through Grimm with surprising ease. The small size means that the function cannot be maintained for long though and will not last in prolonged fights. Nonetheless, even without its additional function, the knife is a good, if last resort, weapon. [url=]Elemen[/url] is the name of Oren’s pistol. It fires large caliber rounds that are capable of putting down Ursas with little problem. Holding seven rounds per magazine, the two slides on the side of the weapon can hold a mixture of Dust and other substances. Upon chambering, a layer of the mixture can be used to coat the round before it is fired to imbue it with potent effects, in addition to whatever Dust the round may already contain. Normally, powdered Dust inside a firearm chamber would be the peaks of stupidity, but the mixture stabilizes the volatile material until it impacts. [url=]His[/url] [url=]favorite[/url] [url=]piece[/url] of equipment offered by the Atlesian military would probably be the HTEC Heavy Assault Rifle. In contrast to the normal ARs carried by infantry, the HTEC boasts greater performance in almost every way. The caliber is larger for better stopping power, while stability has been maintained with minimal loss to accuracy. Firing rate is about the same, but with the larger rounds a maximum rate of 600 rounds/minute is still overkill in most circumstances. Magazine size has actually been increased to hold a total of 45 rounds, which contributes to the greater overall weight of the weapon itself. Highly reliable on the field, the weapon takes very little maintenance to ensure functionality and can go through hell and high water. [b]Semblance:[/b] Shatter, the Pieces Lay. His Semblance is capable of affecting any surface to render it fragile and weak. Thicker materails resist the effect well though, as only the surface will be changed. The interior will still retain the material’s durability and thus Owen would have to apply his Semblance numerous times and chip away. The cost depends on a number of factors including how much he is weakening the material by, the amount of area affected, how far from the target he is, etc. [b]Strength/Weakness:[/b] Skill: He spent three years at an Academy equivalent to Signal and Sanctum. Another three years service in the Atlesian military. A good deal of the time spent not on base, but out in the field, clearing and driving back Grimm. Even fought against the White Fang on a few occasions. Thus, has a wealth of experience against both man (Faunus incl.) and beast, both with Aura and without the shield of his soul. Also fairly competent with more mundane weapons in comparison to what Huntsman and Huntress use. Knowledge: Refer above. Six years of training, including at least a year of actual battle experience. Keen eyed, level-headed, and adaptive, Owen is one to watch and learn even as the fight rages on around him. Aura: His Aura isn’t necessarily weak, but the three years he served, he rarely drew on the power of his soul. As a result, he isn’t as efficient with it as he would like to be and wastes far more than he needs to protect himself. Semblance: Owen has no problem controlling his Semblance and is quite capable of fine precision. The drain is quite noticeable for simply using it though, and only gets worse the more he tries to do with it. Most of his uses in the last three years were small pinpoint areas for concentrated fire.