[hider=Vask][img=http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m81/nightthedemon/VaskAllic_zps05b6a258.jpg][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Vask Allic {Translates to Copper Spring} [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] Born in Mistral to a huntswoman named Katariina Messing Kaja and her fiancee Dr. Aleksander Pronks Allic seventeen years ago it seemed from the start that Vask would be a handful. His birth took place in the back seat of a car on the way to the hospital, his first word was something that made his mother go red and cost his father the price of a fancy vacation to make up for teaching him, and his earliest memory was getting into a fight in preschool. His life after that was by and large the same old story you'd hear from any kid. He went to school, he played(largely by himself as he had few friends), and he grew. Rather; it should be said that his life from that point was the same as anyone else's barring one peculiarity. From the first time he told his mom about his fighting at school he was trained to be a warrior. Not a martial artist, or a soldier, but a fighter. He was trained in how to throw a punch, how to kick, how to duck and roll, how to dodge and counter. Mrs. Allic(who finally agreed to marry Aleksander five years after Vask's birth, thus taking up the name) refused to allow her child to be bullied, but knowing that simply taking things to an adult was only one part of the issue she saw fit to train him to protect himself, as well. Had he shown himself unfit for the task, or asked to stop she would have enrolled him in another school; however, he flourished in the art of fighting. As fists and flesh collided he often found himself smiling, and laughing, generally shaking the hands of his instructors giddily when they bested him, and even moreso when he managed to eventually take one of them down. Thinking it all a bit violent Dr. Allic attempted to focus his son's attentions elsewhere; enlisting him in a seemingly endless list of hobbies to try and find something that stuck. In sports the boy often became aggravated when losing, which would lead to more fighting. His mind was too unfocused to try and interest him in medicine. Sewing, painting, and music all wound up abysmal failures. And then, almost at the end of his rope, Aleksandar tried to get his son to help him in the kitchen... As he began to enjoy the culinary arts the boy, all of fourteen, began to settle some. While he still spent a lot of time training his combat skills, he now spent almost as much in the kitchen; becoming the de facto family chef, and even being paid to cook for his neighbors on special occasions. Still; while he had his hobbies, and his family, there was something missing. He wanted to see the world. He wanted friends. And thus, as a former graduate, his mother pulled a few strings once he was old enough and got him an invitation to Beacon. [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider=Pikne(The Long One)] A shifting weapon that switches between two states. The first of these is a long polearm which can be used to slash, slice, stab, batter, and trip opponents. The latter of it's forms is that of a rather experimental Gauss Rifle which despite it's strength and rate of fire has the drawback of running out of power swiftly.[/hider] [b]Semblance:[/b] [hider=Fog of War] Vask's semblance takes the form of a copper-colored cloud of energy that surrounds his body. This cloud serves two purposes; the first is that it obscures any movements he may make within it, making it hard for his enemies to pinpoint exactly what he's doing even if they know his general location. The second is that as he moves the cloud charges with bio-electrical energy which he uses either to deliver a painful zap in close contact, or to charge his weapon. Getting near him while this is in effect is not advised.[/hider] [b]S[/b]trength/Weakness: Choose up to two strong categories and an equal number of weaknesses from those below. -Str; [hider=Strengths]|||Semblance: Vask has a good grasp of the strengths and limitations of his Semblance, and a handle on the timing and effort necessary to use it most effectively in battle. |||Skill: While he's still learning to use weapons and the like Vask's mother was a rather tough woman, and under the tutelage of herself and several instructors he has learned how to fight on an almost instinctual level; there is no particular form or art to which one could attribute his movements, but he's quite adept at responding to oncoming attacks and knowing when to dodge, counter, strike, or defend.[/hider] -Wkn; [hider=Weaknesses]|||Knowledge: While Vask isn't stupid by any stretch of the word he could well be described as... distracted. He tends not to pay much attention to other people when they talk, commonly lost in his own thoughts unless brought to bear by a commanding authority figure. As such he knows little of the Grimms and even less about pre-planning in combat, preferring to rely on instinct. |||Social: Being childish, easily distracted, and prone to blurting whatever pops into his head has made it a bit difficult for Vask to make friends over the years. As such he's not that great at working with others.* *translation; Utterly abysmal at it. He generally tries too hard to impress and messes up, or outright ignores any potential companions, or winds up angering them without meaning to due to his bluntness.[/hider]