Scenario 0 - Titus Dracos Being cooped up on a ship for half a year's time was not fun. Titus, halfway through the voyage started showing some...peculiar things. Many sailors could have sworn that he had been next to on of them overlooking the scene, and in the next second he was gone. Though Titus was an assassin, being trapped on this damn vessel for too long tired and bored him greatly. At one point he began to waste bullets, seeminbg to shoot nowhere but the horizon and the shadows in the sea, though nothing of extreme importance or of interest, sailors, the first time he stepped aboard the ship felt uneasy around Titus. When he heard "Land Ho!" his heart nearly skipped a beat due to the excitement of being able to walk on land again. Though that excitement ended as soon as fog began to surround the shore and event the front part of the ship....Titus readied his gear. ------------- Scenario 1 - Titus Dracos Titus straightened his tunic and armor as his eyes seemed to gleam with the slightest bit of amusement below his hood, beginning to walk off the ship and towards the shore. His boots made a thumping noise everytime Titus took a step, beginning to leave the ship's surface and exchange it for the soft and unsteady sand beneath him. The moment his left boot touched the sand, his guard went up at the sight of the ghastly walkers' silhouettes. Titus, drawing his sword entered the fog covering the area, planning on using the enemy's concealment against them. As Titus entered the fog a gory zombie hand grabbed his right shoulder, attempting to bite Titus. "Damn bastard, get off!" Titus spoke in response to the zombie. His accent was quite strange and could not exactly be guessed. Titus turned towards the zombie with a powerful thrust of his right arm, letting seemingly darker blood stain his steel longsword. The zombie seemed to make a gagging sound as the sword pierced where his adam's apple used to be, if it were a man. The head and body of the zombie fell against him, a darker shade of blood seeming to coat the sword in a sort of slimy blood. Ripping the sword out with a tad bit of difficulty, he attempted to join the group of the tree. He was stopped by three walkers, two in front and one behind. Using pure skill and instinct, Titus quickly sheathed his sword and dived towards the group in a forward roll, letting his shoulder roll him to his destination. Recovering from the roll, he spun around and held on to a wire on his left gauntlet, aiming it at a zombie. Letting go of the wire, a suddent blast of gunpowder and the sound of a bullet leaving the barrel shot out from the gauntlet; piercing the walker's head as it fell to the floor. The other two zombies, charged at him, a combination of a gag and a yell erupting from their throats. Walking backwards with his sword drawn in front of him, he joined Stren's side. Showing no sign of hostility towards as he did so. (How's my post? Also I'm sorry for any typos, the majority of my posts come from my tablet.)