[b]August Thrid, 827 Wednesday, Two days before Guild-pact Day.[/b] An Azorius Senate Lawmage runs down a corridor, with a stack of papers in his hands, fretting along the way. [b]"Two days?! I thought it was Two [i]WEEKS[/I]!"[/b] This year, The Senate was hosting the Guild-pact day festivities. and of coarse, they had to hand all of the paperwork to Grayan Longsword, one of the most disorganized people in the Senate ever. He was trying to get to a Griffin Rider, to bring the message out to all the other Guilds. [b]"If the Gruul found out, or even thought they were not invited, oh boy there some trouble. We will also need to get the Rakdos to preform..."[/b] Grayan began to trail off as he started to mumble to himself about the other 8 guilds. After about two hours of running around mumbling, Grayan finally found the Griffin Rider, at the Griffin Pad, were all the griffins were. [b]"There you are! I've been all over the guild looking for you."[/b] The Griffin Rider looked at him with a funny look. [b]"Anyway, Take these to all the Guild Gates, and be quick about it!"[/b], handing him the Guild invitations. The Griffin Rider took them, and with a snap of his fingers, the Griffin flew in to the air of the City of Ravinca. Grayan looked up as the Griffin flew away, He thought to himself "What did I need to do?"