As the group eventually started to work together once more, now with one or two new members..., they started to climb the stairs. 066 thought it better to check up one floor at a time, they did not know how many there were and where an exit could be so sweeping trough it all sounded like the best gamble, perhaps he could find a computer or something... The second floor was quite in all ways and the lights were on, indicating that only the lower floor was downed, something 066 was cursing in his mind, this would mean that any traps and stationary guns would still be working perfectly. Soon they all found this to be true, still with all the members present it was not hard to get past the damned automatic guns and continue trough the building. A small hope was build that with more stationary guns, the closer they were to an exit... It was not after halve an hour that the group found them self back to the stairs after having run a circle. It was clear that the place was build in a way that if someone would escape or break in, the place would be a maze, giving rise to false hope and tire them out so that eventually the guns would take them down, non the less it was clear as daylight that it was not made to prevent a mass escape as this, the guns possessed little danger and those that took a few down could rest in between. Of course they did come across some soldiers here and there, but as said before, this installation was meant to tire one escapee out, never for this mass that worked together much better then the higher ups had guessed. It was funny how one common goal could unite such different characters, even the unsocial ones fitted in rather well as the escape went on. on the 3e floor 066 found something he was hoping for, a single computer. He asked 080 to bring him to the computer and quickly guided his mind into it, downloading multiple files, including a map of the compound. From here on 080 would lead the group under 066's command towards the one and apparently only exit. As expected the exit was guarded pretty heavenly, mostly but soldiers with automatic weapons and flame throwers, also a large amount of stationary guns, but once they would get pass this, they were home free and they all knew it. The enemy group was only 15% the size of the first group and that was guessing it at the highest number, but they were pretty heavenly armed and the stationary guns added 10% to the number of dangers. A fight broke out once more... 066 under 080's protection hacked a gun and started to control the thing, which was kinda fun in a way, not the killing part, but feeling like some kind of robot or sentient tank, it felt fun like that. And then it was there, the exit, the door to... the dessert....... A few cursed, a few celebrated and 066 was finally able to start standing on his own feet once more. "were not in the clear yet people, the building is still behind us, so we better get moving ASAP" The group then started to walk and roam the dessert, taking down some jeeps and helicopters until they entered a forest. it took them a week or so but in the forest they were finally free.... (all feel free to fill in what you all did up till then and what you guys start doing once were in the forest, which I guess will be our future home XD)