-Alex- Alex narrowed his eyes in surprise and suspicion when the cloaked figure addressed him by his name. What the hell? Alex could have sworn that he had never seen this man in his life, yet here he was, greeting Alex like they were old acquaintances. He nodded stiffly towards the man, taking note of the fact that he appeared rather large and had the palest skin Alex had ever seen-as pale as a vampire's skin. "Mithias....." Alex murmured quietly under his breath when the man told Alex his name. Alex was almost certain he was standing in front of a vampire, and as he was about to lunge towards him with a silver knife drawn, he decided against it, listening to his better judgement for once. There was that, and also the fact that Mithias had two swords sticking prominently out of his cloak. The silver edges gleamed in the early morning light, and the lethal glimmer of the blades made Alex hesitate. Maybe he could do this in a more.....subtle way. "What do you know of the Kingsleys? And how do you know my name?" Alex asked incredulously, shifting his weight so it would be easier for him to take the defensive if the need arose. This was all awfully suspicious to him. Alex glanced around furtively for anything that could alert the villagers to their presence, taking in the barren trees and crackly brown leaves, the fragrant pines and the plentiful underbrush that still took up quite a bit of space, despite the fact that the weather had gotten considerably cooler since their prime during the spring and summer. He waited for Mithias to respond, tightening his grip on a wooden stake beneath his coat as he did so.