As the flames hit Kinzoku grit his teeth. He'd managed to cover himself in iron dragon scales. Still the attack was pretty impressive. "Fuck..." He would then mumble as he landed on the ledge of the roof Blaze was on. "Now you're..." He paused. Dammit... The other guys was coming now. And the "meteor" made impact. Kinzoku went straight down off the roof to the ground. "GAH!" He let out a booming screech of pain upon colliding with the ground. Dust kicked up shrouding him and Torie. However, unlike Rachel who'd been knocked out Kinzoku was still conscious. "Fucking shit... THose were some good attacks." He mumbled as he forced himself to his feet. He staggered a bit, but managed to stand in the end. "Probably would have been better if you combined 'em." He spoke to the two. It must have been quite the shock that he could even get up after that. He looked at Blaze and then Torie. "Make sure you too get stronger and show me something even better next time." He turned and began walking away. "I'm done playing with this stupid little dark guild." He wouldn't fight anymore. He was just going to leave now. It would only be stupid to attack him while he was leaving and draw this out. Especially when those two were so weak. ------------------------------------------ "You can say what you want. But there's no way I'm gonna lose this fight!" Iggy shouted as he charged at Reaver once more. He attempted to leap over the dark sphere, but to his surprised it transformed and bound him. "Dammit!" He shouted before his fire flared up around him. He grit his teeth trying to burn the darkness off. "I'm going to beat you down and turn you over to the magic council myself." He said forcing himself back to his feet.