Mark's eyes glassed over as the others spoke, filtering out the crap and picking up what he deemed important, he didn't need to hear about the other's powers, he already knew, he'd read their dossier's and had been sure to make himself somewhat familiar with each of them, it was when Todd spoke that he looked down to the addict who'd stood up "Why would they send an addict? because your power makes you an invaluable asset to the team, all of you bring something to the table that makes you different to the others. For example Beau here, can flood the Visitors minds with things they can't understand, while Murry can use their momentary confusion to either paralyse, or kill with his stingers, allowing people like myself and Ray to infiltrate quickly and quietly and do our jobs." He took a slow breathe. "Your power, Todd, for example, is brilliant, you learn faster than any human to ever be born, and faster still than most of the Visitors, you could be captured, and find your way out, your power isn't much use in a fight, unless one of us finds and gives you one of their weapons, but, you can figure out how their machines work, you're a tactical asset, if not a combat one." he finished before turning his gaze to the next speaker, Darren "Yes, that's why we're not using nicknames based on our powers... HQ isn't stupid, sure, they have their moments, but, stupidity, not on their agenda." He began. "We don't use nicknames in the rebellion, we run on actual names, so, I'd be Mark, you'd be Darren, Daily here, is Daily" he continued on, pointing to the young woman amidst them "You get the picture... Anyway, Daily, no, you're not the only woman in the team, Annabeth, the only other female to get the summons is yet to arrive" he added before turning to Beau and Murry. "Well, regarding plans, there isn't much of one, we sneak in, blow the place to shit, and disappear before back-up arrives, there is no safe zone that the Rebellion has designated, BUT, I do know somewhere the ET's wouldn't think to look, can anyone guess where that is?" he asked simply, a small, knowing smirk on his face as he watched the pair, nodding simply to Murry's mention of the explosives. "Actually, before you answer, Murry brings up an excellent point, Ray is quick and quiet, I can disappear, anyone else here got a power they can use for stealth?"