Red continued paddling through the water, "Perhaps, perhaps not. Only time can truly see yes." The baby kraken chirped in delight as it swam around in the water alongside Red. The Kraken, Bertha, that he spoke of, if it even existed in these waters, appeared to be in a slumber of sort. Or, not existing. One of those two options were probably correct. The Rail Gun had it's model number scratched off, well most of it, the only part of it that remained was a K a U and an 8. Each of them were fairly far apart. Well, as how the energy formed a beam, that was a fascinating thing! At incredible speeds, the device would strip electrons from the sub-atomic molecules that were the inert energy inside of the magazine. The ions would then be attracted to the positively charged atoms, and a resulting charge would fire out the negative ions at incredible speeds leaving a lot of damage. Well, it was possibly that, or it was relying on some other sort of reaction creating a deadly beam. Which was possible. The plasma polearm Serenity picked up felt incredibly light, perhaps even too light... Well there were many polearms of the same type, but made of different alloys and materials giving them different weights. But as for the one she picked up, yes it seemed like it was incredibly light weight. While she was twirling it around, she inadvertantly activated the plasma generation, a light purple aura emanated from the top of the spear. Strangely it was not producing a dangerous heat at the moment, but was only glowing purple.