As the ceremony ended Faye ran quickly up to her daughter and grandchild "My lovely family" she said in a coo of a voice as she bushed her head to Fakira's and then to the cubs, she gave a quick respectful nod to Asante. she layed close to her child and the newborn, some other females came over in respect to look at the child. Faye smiled and licked at her paws hunger settling in "Who's up for a hunt?... Wanna get your paws dirty lover boy" she said playfully at Asante. The zebra just looked so delishous, she couldn't resist lowering herself to the ground pawing at the surface of the ground getting ready to pounce, her bum raised in the air like a cat ready to strike at a mouse. She made her eyes slits, and she watched as the herd galloped away from her, she quickly jolted out and ran up to full speed trying for the baby zebra. She launched herself at it claws out and her mouth open ready to take a bite at its hide. She did, she nipped it right in the mid back and took it down easly.