Sebastian ran his fingers through his black hair, unaware of the large mutant that stood beside him. He was far too focused on discovering a way to make the cytoplasts that the disgraced Guild Master, Momir Vig, had created for his Project Kraj into something less….insipid. He turned to look at the mutant, finally acknowledging the Hull Clade guardian that had been assigned to him by the Prime Speaker. The mutant merfolk was large, armoured in coral like plates that jut out and random intervals over the merfolks body. The figure cut an intimidating swath through the Simic guild halls, as all Hull Clade did. He picked up the cytoplast and placed it on one of the Gruul beasts that had been given over to the Simic in an act of peace forced upon the guilds by the Guildpact. The cytoplast shivered as it came into contact with the beast and Sebastian moved it from the beast to the merfolk. The cytoplast spread out and encased the merfolk’s arm “can you feel the strength radiating out from the cytoplast?” Sebastian said gently, his voice coming out soothing and gentle. The merfolk simply nodded and rolled its shoulders. Sebastian nodded in return and pulled the cytoplast off the merfolk and back to the sanitized holding area as he left the bio-lab. Once again, the fingers of the young Planeswalker ran through his black hair as he walked through the halls of Zameck, the coat tails of his jacket flicking as he walked with some pace. He had been called up by one of the Gyre sages. A griffin rider of the Azorius had come with a commandment. Sebastian sincerely hoped it wasn’t another bureaucratic push to ‘sanitize’ the Gruul Clans Stomping Grounds. Sebastian shook his head gently and walked to the Simic Guild Gate where the Gryff had landed. Apprently the Prime Speaker wished for Sebastian to finally be revealed to be a Planeswalker at the right time, and that time seemed to have come. The Guild Pact day, where Sebastian would be shown to be a Planeswalker. Sebastian shook his head, not understanding why it was so relevant for the Simic to have a Walker. He had met the two native Walkers that had recently awakened, Domri of the Gruul Clans and Ral Zarek of the Izzet League, both of them were fearsome mages in their own right. Sebastian had no doubt that this would be a problem when they discovered he himself was a Walker of greater experience than them. The GuildPact himself was yet to discover Sebastian’s true nature. Sebastian walked with the gait of someone world weary despite his young age, and approached the Azorius Rider. They handed him down the invitation to the guildpact day festivities “ahh…I see…” Sebastian nodded gently and understood when and where the Prime Speaker intended him to reveal himself.