[b]Mikami Kumini[/b] She looked tense was Mikami's first thought. Then again, who wouldn't be? After all, she was kind of new and certainly didn't interact with him often. Most people who hadn't been in the organization for a few years didn't. He'd even been told by an old member who'd left to pursue some other line of work not too long ago that he could be overwhelming at times. It probably didn't have anything to do with his appearance. Mikami was well aware that he looked far younger than he was, which was something to be proud of in and of itself. After all, weren't stressful jobs supposed to make you age faster? He wasn't overly tall or overly muscular either. In the end, it was probably just the fact that people knew who he was that made him unapproachable. Mikami rolled the concept of sending her out on patrol over in his head. They didn't have any pressing cases going on at the moment. Just the usual 'keep an eye on the reds because that's what the blues have always done' and 'deal with any major crimes'. So, his immediate thought was to dismiss the idea that he needed her for anything. The people that were higher ranked than her could handle assigning tasks well enough. Then again, the office did tend to make people go stir crazy. He wasn't sure how often Cho got to go out on patrol, (that was usually something older members of the clan got dibs at before the newer members) but if she had made it into Scepter 4, she must be competent enough. That was exactly why he didn't dismiss the idea of putting her on patrol duty for the day right away. It's not like fresh air wouldn't hurt him either. It usually helped after spending a night at the office. "You know what, you can go on patrol. And I'm going to accompany you at least part of the way, because I'm hungry and office food just isn't going to cut it." And then he remembered the stack of papers in his hands. "Just let me put these in my office." The 'and make the lieutenant go over them for me' was unsaid, but it was most likely what would happen. Sometimes, he thanked whatever deities were out there that he'd skipped the whole paper work phase of the job and gone straight to being in charge. There were certainly perks to being a king, and that was one of them. With that, he turned to head back to his office to deposit the papers and inform his lieutenant (who happened to have the slightly smaller and official looking office right next to his) where he was going to be for the next few hours. ------- [b]Tadashi Sakurai [/b] Tadashi was, oddly enough, a morning person. He liked the feeling of morning sun against his skin. His favorite hobby, much to the chagrin of some of his neighbors, was taking his favorite motorcycle out for rides shortly after he woke up. There was something about that crisp, early morning air through his clothes (Tadashi may not be smart, but he's not dumb enough to ride without proper protection and skin peeling off on asphalt has never sounded like an appealing idea to him) that made him happy beyond belief. Then again, lots of things made Tadashi happy beyond belief. Another of those things happened to be the pretty girls and attractively dressed businessmen he always saw at bakeries and cafes on his early morning rides. So it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that Tadashi had spent the first part of his morning chatting up the inhabitants of whatever section of the city he had landed in that day. There was a girl with pretty, wavy chocolate brown hair first. And then a young man in running shorts that showed off his legs so well after that. Before going and eating breakfast at the usual place, there was a woman who was probably a few years older than he was with an absolutely adorable child. That had been Tadashi's morning. When he got the text from Matsura, Tadashi was sitting at his usual breakfast table, talking to the same waitress (who was engaged, so he kept the flirting to a minimum) he talked to every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. On the other days, it was an older man that worked there who for some reason loved to hear about all the different people Tadashi met. With a smile, he paid and left, putting his helmet back on as he walked out and sped on over to Matsura's place, which was basically a second home with a lot less cars and bikes. "Morning," he called as he walked through the door, kicking his shoes off as he went. "Did you guys miss me?"