[center]Hello there. Let me first start off with a little introductory before I get into the meat of this thread, shall I? (Boring, I know, but believe me as it's worth reading so you know what to expect.) My name is Mercedes, so by all means feel free to call me by that or my username as I don't really have a preference. Although I've been roleplaying for the majority of my teenage years around a year and a half ago I sort of took a dive and haven't done any kind of free-writing whatsoever. Yet I've found myself missing it and feeling a pull to get back into the creative world of writing and collaborating with others, so I decided to join here and hopefully I can satiate my cravings. Of course, though, because it [i]has[/i] been quite a while for me, I already know I'm going to start off rusty. But hopefully I'll regain my spark soon enough and will be able to fall into a smooth rhythm with you once we get past a handful of posts. Now let's get the rules done and over with, and I promise the real deal will be upon you. Although they may scare you away with their length and my bluntness and honesty, if you're still here once you get past them I give you a cookie, brave soul.[/center] [hider=Rules](This first one here is going to be rather long, so apologies in advance if you groaned.) -When I say literate, I really do mean literate. I'm not saying you have to scan your posts with a magnifying glass to make sure you have everything spelled both correctly and grammatically and that every punctuation is just so, because we all make mistakes and miss little things here and there. Hell, I know I do. But please have a solid grasp of English as it helps me stay interested in what you have written. Also, yes, I highly prefer our roleplays to be in the higher end level of creativity. [u]Nothing less than two paragraphs if you're having a rough day/a case of WB.[/u] I know how that sounds, but I can't work with a few sentences if we've been tossing back three+. It throws me off-kilter and I generally reflect with what my partner gives me. Just send me a message saying you're feeling off and I'll totally understand! I'll do the same with you as I can have bad days with or without WB, and I want to make sure I give you the best I can. On normal days I'd prefer no less than three paragraphs. If I'm in a zone I've been known to have given replies with almost (perhaps even over -- I don't remember exactly) 1800 words if you want specifics. However that's definitely not something I do regularly, so please don't be put off. I can manage perfectly with detailed posts consisting of three-five paragraphs. Just let me know what your comfort level is when we discuss RPs and preferences. -In addition I want our characters to have [u]depth[/u]; give them thoughts and feelings! It's amazing how lifelike an RP character on a screen can become. -When it comes to romance of any sort I put my foot down on insta-love. Soulmates and intimate connections at first sight or during an encounter are fine, but real love takes time to develop between two people. Love triangles are fine if reasonable in the plot. -Do put in effort in building up a plot if I don't have one at the ready, and even when it's established don't dust your hands off yet. Upkeep it by adding your own art throughout the progression of the story. Surprise me with twists and turns, and if you're unsure of how to go about it or if you doubt it's a good idea, don't hesitate to run it by me. I'll do the same. -I do not want to see any god-modding/power play. This is one of my hugest pet peeves when it comes to writing, and I've had irritating experiences with it in the past. For example, if I'm playing a character who excels wonderfully in hunting down people/monsters, and you're playing a person/monster who is either average, above average, or around my character's efficiency, I do not want to see you continually respond to my character who's doing his/her damned best to lay you down by "swiftly" or "cunningly" dodging around him/her and knocking him/her off their feet several times over and never getting a single scratch. It pisses me off when I see that, because truthfully? I find it makes my replies and character look stupid. And I hate that. Every character, whether they are human or god or supernatural or some other form of being, should have weaknesses. And do not write out my character’s responses to actions your character does. That’s my job. -I'm not expecting you to reply every single day if it's out of your hands/limits. I have a life and responsibilities and shitty days as do you (or so I assume). I can also have a terrible attention span and will give up halfway through a single paragraph and find something else to do. If I'm in a rough patch I'll keep you updated and informed, and hopefully you'll have the courtesy to do the same. If you're losing interest speak up and don't abandon the RP without a word. Maybe we can fix it, maybe not. But no one likes to be left hanging for weeks on end, right? Moreover show me respect and I'll show you respect. If I'm in a particularly bad haze and you've grown impatient on waiting for me to reply, just say so kindly that you'd like to move on elsewhere. I won't go batshit crazy on you, I promise. If you're a dick about it who keeps pestering me . . . well, that's another matter entirely. -I don't censor my writing. I don't believe in censoring writing, period. But I understand people have limits on certain things like swearing, sex and violence, but I for one will not hesitate to incorporate it into the RP [i]if it calls for it[/i]. This mostly pertains to sexual situations. If there is truly no need for our characters to have sex then I do not want them having sex. And even if our RP features heavy romance and our characters are drawn to each other like moths to a flame, I can't write post after post after post containing sexual content. It gets boring and repetitive, and that sort of pattern deters me from wanting to reply. -I only RP through threads and occasionally PM depending on the type of roleplay. All other means of RPing have never worked out in the past for me. And isn't this site meant to be roleplayed on, anyway? -Please PM me your interest rather than posting here. And so I know you read my rules tell me what a big pet peeve of mine is somewhere in your message.[/hider] Okay . . . I think that's it for the rules. As I said, if you made it through all that then do take this cookie ----> 🍪 You deserve it. Onto pairings! [center]Keys: Roles in [b]bold[/b] are the ones I’d prefer to play (If neither are bold then it does not matter) Pairings with an [!] are ones I’m particularly craving Pairings with an asterisk [*] are ones I have/vaguely have a plot idea for Pairings with a [//] can be modified to be played as either MxM or FxF Also, I don't mind doubling and having several other major and minor side characters. It's something I do a lot, actually, but if that's not your thing then it's no big deal. We can mix and match settings if you wish as well. Doesn't matter to me. And if there's a setting (aside from hardcore sci-fi; just not my cup of tea, sorry) and pairing you don't see here or have a plot in mind, go ahead and send me a PM! Always open to suggestions. - - -[/center] [hider=The reason you clicked this thread][b]Modern Day/Slice of Life[/b] -Troubled/abused boy x troubled/abused girl (high school/college setting) [//!] -Popular boy x [b]troubled/abused girl[/b] (high school/college setting) [!*] -Good girl x bad boy or troubled/abused boy (high school/college setting) [//!*] -Roommate x roommate [//] -Trainer x [b]trainee[/b] -Bartender x club dancer -- (NOT necessarily a stripper, but could be. More can be discussed through PM.) [*] -Local x tourist [//] -Solider x soldier (present-day military setting) [//] -[b]Soldier's wife[/b] x soldier's best friend [!*] -Cop x cop [*] -[b]Cop[/b] x criminal [//*] -Psychiatric hospital [//!] [b]Medieval/Fantasy[/b] -Dragon rider x dragon rider [//] -[b]Princess[/b] x thief [!*] -Knight x foreign rebel [//!*] -Prince x [b]commoner[/b] [MxF/MxM] -[b]Warlock[/b] x Prince/Knight [MxM!*] -Elf x centaur [!*] [b]Supernatural/Paranormal/Fantasy[/b] -Angel x demon [//*] -Angel x [b]human[/b] -[b]Fallen angel[/b] x human [//!*] -Demon x human [//] -Anything werewolf related [//*] -Anything vampire related -- Twilight excluded!! [//] -Hunter x hunted [//] -[b]Ghost whisperer[/b] x ghost [//*] -Shapeshifter x shapeshifter/human/other [//] -Anything else dealing in the supernatural/paranormal genre [b]Other[/b] -Assassin x assassin [//] -[b]Assassin[/b] x target [FxF] -Pirate x noble (this will be a double pairing with the plot I have, though the relationships are hetero. Outside of the plot it can go any way and doubling isn't required.) [//!*] -Wolves (yes, an animal RP. Used to participate in several when I was younger and loved them. Still do.) [!*] -Warrior Cats (^^^^) [!*] -Dystopian settings -Post apoc/apocalyptic settings -Horror settings (have a few ideas for this one, including something based off of Wrong Turn) [//!*][/hider] [center]As of right now there aren't really any fandoms of movies/TV shows/video games/books I'm in the mood for but they may come to me down the road. Thanks for taking the time to give your attention to this thread! I look forward to plotting and RPing with you in advance.[/center]