Port Adams. It was a place that everyone in Gotham knew about, regardless of their background. You could be a cop, you could be a crook, hell, you could be plain ol' Joe from down the way, it didn't matter. Everyone knew that Port Adams was were Falcone imported and exported a good deal of his 'goods', if one could call drugs and weaponry such a thing. It didn't matter what you were in the end, nor how you knew of it, all that mattered is that every sane human being in Gotham knew to stay the hell away unless they either worked for Falcone, or had a serious desire to be found at the bottom of a river. Vincent Bell, was not a sane human being. It was not that he was insane, far from it, rather, he simply was not human. "I'll ask you again, Falcone's lieutenant, Zsasz, where can I find him?", Vincent growled from behind his mask to a balding man chained to a chair inside a storage container. The bounty hunter had been at this ever since he'd gotten the drop on a group of goons Flacone had sent to receive a shipment, and his patience was growing thin. The fight was relatively easy for Vincent: They may have had guns and numbers, but he had them trumped thanks to experience and ample hiding places. Then again, being strong enough to cause spinal and neck trauma with a casual slap didn't exactly hurt his chances either. "[i]What, you think if you find him he'll give you something on the boss? You're insane, not to mention a dead man.[/i]", the chained man hissed, only to freeze as he heard a loud growl from behind the chair. "You misunderstand. I couldn't care less about Falcone, he's worthless to me as a public figure. Zsasz, however, has a particularly nice bounty on his head that I aim to collect.". The man in the chair gawked at Vincent for a few seconds, "[i]Wait, I know you, you're that "Hunter" asshole, aren't you? You ain't no hero, you're just another crook in it for the money.[/i]", "Well, you're right about who I am, and what i'm after, but I have to disagree with you about the crook part. But that isn't what we're here to discuss.". The man scowled and looked away from Vincent, eliciting a sigh from the alien, "Fine, we're going to do it this way I take it? I'm ok with that. Alli, would you be so kind as to help loosen our friend's tongue?". Another growl sounded as a sleek feline figure crept from out of the darkness and snapped it's teeth together audibly. Upon first glance, one would assume Alli was just a normal leopard, but upon further inspection, one would easily be able to tell that the creature that was slowly circling the chained up captive like a shark bore an unmistakably reptilian appearance on top of the feline one. Vicent's captive, realizing that the situation he was in was starting to become much worse as Alli's teeth snapped together dangerously close to his crotch, finally began to spill whatever information he had regarding Zsasz. Vincent listened intently, then, once he felt he'd recieved everything he required, got up and walked out of the container with Alli in tow. "[i]W-wait! What about me? Untie me, dammit![/i]" "Hmm...i'm sure Falcone will send more men in the morning when he realizes that his shipment is late. Just be sure to scream loudly.". Not waiting for another retort, Vincent shut the container door and began to walk away whilst whistling a jaunty tune. The night was still young, and with fresh information ready to be used, Hunter was ready to find and catch his quarry.