The girls of t.A.T.u were never actually lesbians. It was an image to help gain publicity. One of the girls became pregnant and the other went on record saying that it wasn't "fun playing lesbians any more". Even their producer came out and said on record that the group was formed out of his idea that there was an audience that wanted a group that catered to their pornographic desire of underage girls. It's all [URL=]HERE.[/URL] At the very most, the girls were supporters of the LBGT community and nothing more. If anything, they most likely played t.A.T.U in an effort to reinforce that homosexuality is nothing more than a corporate marketing construct designed to sell product and spread propaganda. I say all of these things without putting forth my own personal opinions on the LBGT community, so I would ask that no assumptions be made on my stance until I explicitly state said stance. As for the Opening Ceremony, I didn't watch it. I don't get TV out here, only Netflix and Internet. I have no real desire to watch the Olympics either. Firstly, because they don't interest me and secondly because of how Russia has handled holding them, from hotels to talks of corruption to inadequate event locations to the politics, etc, etc. It all sounds like a car wreck I don't particularly wish to see.