[b]Auguste[/b] "Christ, mate. Lay off it will you?" Auguste practically groaned as the jersey shore knock off ran over and grabbed Syl's arm, dragging her away from him. His eyes rolled as he referred to her as Beautiful and looked around for a place to sit down, not sure he could handle being too close to this train wreck. "It's getting pathetic at this point," He sighed now as he took a seat on a nearby low lying wall, his fingers drumming his knee in impatience as he listened to the boy drone on about love spells or something. '[i]If that were the case then I'd be under one as well, you mong[/i]' Auguste thought as his eyes watched over the two, noticing with a small tinge of amusement that the boy was carefully eyeing him, as if he were threatened by Auguste's sheer existence. He stifled a laugh and looked away from the two, shaking his head as he did so, unable to take watching this boy anymore. It was bad and almost physically pained him to watch at this point. The fact that the boy was a brother in law of his was enough to make his stomach churn and this display certainly wasn't helping. Auguste put a hand to his forehead his hand covering his eyes as the two talked as he patiently waited for the little travesty before him to end when Syl suddenly spoke up, mentioned that a tour would have to wait. "I'm sorry, repea-" Auguste began, the world around him collapsing into dust in an instant's notice, the breath being torn from his chest. Auguste shot straight up in his actual body, finding himself in a cavern surrounded by other demigods. "Interesting..." he mumbled, pulling himself to his feet before giving Syl a hand. A small yawn slipped from between his lips as he took in his surrounding with a grim sense of amusement. "So then, what's the game we're to play?" --- [b]Mr D[/b] Dionysus had a mouth full of turkey, his jaws haphazardly slapping together as bits of masticated food sprayed out, his temper particularly foul, which was unusual for him since he was forced to watch over the damned camp. There was a knock at his door which drew a heavy sigh from his stuffed face as he rotated to see who it was. If it was the brat from earlier who was looking to start a fire, he'd have to take a moment to grind her bones into dust and use it to flavor his miserable sodas. But no, it was not someone he could take out the rage born of the bland quasi-bureaucratic lifestyle subjected upon him. It was his daughter, his pride and joy, the apple of his eye, if only he could remember which one she was. Hmm, that part always was a pickle wasn't it? Susan? No, too formal. Jennifer? No, he'd of laughed at the sight of her. Adriana? We're getting closer. Well what of it, he could just refer to her as his child. That would do, right? [b]“Dad? Hey dad, I got those wines you were looking for.”[/b] the words grinded on him like nails against a chalkboard, the word wine alone dancing back and forth, mocking him. Perhaps she wasn't meant to be his daughter for much longer, tempting him with an apple straight from the garden of eve. No, no. Zeus still frowned upon prolicide, didn't he? Damn shame, would've solved this problem. Would've solved most of his problems, nay [b]all[/b] of his problems. But what was one to do? There was a parental duty to be upheld and Dionysus was in the spotlight. "Ah, thank you my dear." He grinned, resisting the urge to ask her why she didn't just grab him a bottle of sand in their stead. Would've tasted the same, that's for damn sure. He massive fingers drummed upon his desk, beckoning her over, "I'll take those off your hands. You can even keep a bottle for yourself and your friends as a thanks from dear old dad." His grin faltered slightly as he resisted the urge to throw his table at the kid and scream "Shoo!" as one would a rabid cat. Perhaps she'd leave without him having to fall prey to his own madness.