Takamiya nodded. "Okay! Let's go!" he spun in the direction that Rika was looking and started to walk. He paused at her second sentence. "Well... that wouldn't be a bad thing, would it? If you like being a girl, that's great. And if you fall in love with a guy, well, love is the best feeling in the world. It's like an adrenaline rush you have when you're running from the police whilst you're high on cocaine. Not that I would know." he smiled at her, and then continued. "At least - if the love is returned. If love is unrequited, it's like being stabbed in the heart a thousand times over and then surviving to suffer for longer, and as soon as you recover you get dunked underwater for six hours straight, and you [i]still[/i] won't just die. Unrequited love is torture, it makes you go insane. "But don't worry about that! I'm sure if you find someone you'll come under the former heading. Love is just fantastic."