Neil squinted his eyes in concentration. A hung picture of Isperia hung against the furthest wall, in his hand was a throwing dagger. Neil hate the Azorious. Their rules, their laws, their holier then thou attitude and the way they were always so self assured of what was right. Isperia represented exactly the kind of person he despised, the Azorius and their damned sphinxes. With a flick of the wrist the dagger sailed through the air and met it's mark; right where the heart would be. Now that he thought of it he wasn't really sure where a sphinx's heart was. Not even the Azorius knew them that well... maybe one day Neil would get the opportunity to find out for himself. Neil's walls were covered in daggers and various pictures of people he did not like. Isperia, Aurelia, Trostani were the most prominent. They were all the same to him. His open contempt was interrupted by a rattling on the door. Neil lifted himself out of his chair and lumbered over to greet his visitor. He opened the door to meet a thrull. It was a gray and shriveled mass of flesh with a golden mask concealing it's face. These things were always interesting to Neil; they were servants the Orzhov put together using old and discarded flesh. They were loyal and never questioned their orders. Neil would have to see if he could get one of his own sometime soon. The Thrull merely extended it's hand to present the Ogre with a neatly adorned letter. Neil plucked the note out of the Thrull's hand before it turned and walked away. Neil watched it leave, wondering if they even had thoughts of their own. Free will isn't the kind of thing the Orzhov generally like. The only reason Neil himself was given any agency at all was because an assassin that can't make their own decisions is a useless assassin. Their money gives him all the loyalty they need anyways. Neil slammed the door to his pent house shut before he opened up the letter. The first thing he noted was a few hundred coins in credit which he quickly pocketed. Then he decided the note was worth his while and opened it up. [i]"Greetings Neil,"[/i] The letter read with very intricate handwriting, [i]"As you are likely aware the day of the guild pact is near. Your mission during this day is one of recon. Linger in the shadows, watch the other guilds, then report directly to me about your findings. I have sources leading me to believe that the day of the guild pact will be a day of interest to the Syndicate. If you must be seen, don't let it be known where your royalties lie. Like always, If you are apprehended your existence will be denied by the guild and you will receive no further support. May the omens of good fortune watch over you. Signed, Teysa, Orzhov Scion."[/i] Neil was surprised to have been addressed by Teysa herself. Normally one of her many inferiors would be the one to address the letter. This seemingly mundane and unimportant assignment must be important if she felt like it was worth her time to write it. Neil double checked to ensure that he had cleaned the letter of all cash before throwing the letter into his fireplace. Standard protocol for someone like him. If he were ever subject to a boros raid they'd find nothing directly linking him to the Orzhov, and that was the way they liked it. The guild pact was in two days, but Neil decided to begin getting ready now. He opened up his knapsack and began loading it with his usual supplies. He would prepare for a stake out. This didn't seem quite as exciting as his usual work, but it wouldn't do to disappoint the Scion.