First of all, I love your signature. Second, I love your icon even more. Third, logistics such as that will be discussed when I know more about my summoned "specimen", and might actually help me shape my world (since Galileo made it). For instance, if you decided that sunlight would be too hard to work around, I could have Gallie design his world to have, in fact, no sun, yet is somehow artificially lit through his own abilities as if a sun were present? Or maybe several moons reflecting far off sunlight into daylight for my world? But if you decided that you wanted the challenge of dealing with the sun, I'd probably just put one in it. Then, if your opinion conflicts with another player's about the sun, I'd come up with a compromise or simply choose. All of my players will be helping my shape, create, and eventually refine my (Galileo's) realm he has created.... which is basically gonna be referred to for now as "Gallie's playpen." :D Gallie would like his playpen to be the best, most fun playpen ever for all of his new favorite friends. XD