She seemed as showy with her Pokemon as most other trainers. She certainly took pride in them and cared for them. She wanted them to feel special, and they were, considering their position within this tournament. Sebastian would have been considered odd considering his lack of enthusiasm. Some might have believed him too serious to make a show of his Pokemon, others believed he was aloof or just uncaring. For him, it was modesty with a hint of seriousness. Sebastian chuckled. It seemed Sophia planned to keep on a tactical advantage against him. She'd be surprised how he did with Special weaknesses. "Sunny Wind," he called out plainly to them. He was always one to make up attack names and teach them to his Pokemon as to throw off the opponent if only slightly. Shiftry shifted its limbs, shaking the leaves upon its arms. His feet thudded into the sand, creating straight lines cutting into the grains. Though it was early-afternoon, the sun began to glow brightly and someone enter the arena in spite of natural physics. The arena heated up and the sun invigorated Shiftry. Meanwhile, Masquerain's eyes glowed a deep purple and from behind her a dark smoke formed. As her wings vibrated the smoke blew forward and created a horrific noise and created frightening images around their opponents. Though her Ominous Wind might not have been native to her, she knew how to make a terrifying presence.