'Oh dear...' she muttered aloud in frustration, scanning the map once more making sure her eyes were not deceiving her. The ancient cave of horrors (as the villagers like to call it) was at least another ten miles away from where she presently sat; it was a wonder she had made it this far without stealing food or supplies from the villages. Surely, it would only further taint her reputation were she to resort to thievery, and she had no wish to create another uproar among the village folks. Alas, the forest has always been kind to her where the villagers have not; the trees have dropped their berries and fruits along her path as a sign of greeting and welcome; the forest magic had always bend to her will. However, she would never use the pure magic that flowed through her veins to force the trees to do so; she only accepted their offering if it was meant as a gift; the forest was her friend and she was willing to give up her life to ensure that no harm ever came to this enchanted forest and the creatures who called it their home. Yet as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, she was increasingly feel her magic dwindling for her anxiety, lack of food and slumber was slowly draining her magic and energy and along with it her strength to move on. Lost in thoughts of the long journey ahead and her own misfortune she knew not when the weariness had treacherously creeped into her eyelids urging them to close, like a mothers rocks a baby to sleep through her lullabies. Some people have a strong connection to dreamworld, they say, but whether it was because she was a witch or because she had the gift of vision, her dreams had always acted as premonitions of danger; this was how she was able to escape the angry mob of villagers before they could send her to the gallows. However, despite no lack of trying she could not control this gift any more than she could control her own misfortunes. So as fate would have it, she could not sense that a stranger was approaching and indeed it was the same handsome boy she had met near the pond, until it was too late. She opened her eyelids and saw the boy mutter something inaudible and she was instantly on her guard; no way could she afford to let him see her face for there may already be bounty on her set head and posters spread across the villages. She had used her magic to transform her youthful looks to resemble a harmless middle-aged lady with greying hairs at the temple, but the transformation magic came at a great cost; not only would it drain her energy but it would make her feel frail and old and would require her to drink water from the enchanted stream which was located in the far corner of the forest. She had a small canteen full of the magic water, but there was only a little bit left in it and as such this was the best disguise she could have afford at the moment, what with her dwindling magic. She slowly sat up and leaned against the tree and looked upon the stranger asking "What business do you have here, boy? Clear off before them undead gets you. "