Aiden shook his head when Harold mentioned getting to the trams. "If the power goes out we'll be stuck. It'd be better to go on foot. Find a place to set up a camp, collect supplies. Who knows how long we'll be here." Because he was security, Aiden's intelligence was usually underestimated. Before getting this job he had been trained in survival. That and, playing too many survival games in high school. As soon as Aiden heard Karina say that there was metal in her side, he got up. Forgetting about his own injury for the moment. He moved closer to Karina so that he could inspect the wound. He knew enough in the way of first aid to at least stop the bleeding long enough to get some real supplies. He took his bowie knife out of its sheath, which was strapped to his lower back. "Harold, I'm going to need more of those washcloths, and any tape you can find." He stopped there as he heard another voice. He turned around, switching the knife to a fighting grip and examined the newcomer. She looked familiar, and that meant she was either a scientist who worked with test subjects, or one herself. Though he couldn't tell which it was. But now wasn't the time to worry about her, the Sergeant needed help. He pointed to the girl who had treated his own injury. "I'm sorry, I don't know your name. But I'm going to need your help too. I know enough first aid to help her without proper supplies. At least for the moment." He wished he had something for the pain, but she was just going to have to endure it for the moment.