[b]"Aww, Shu. You're one hell of a hypocrite."[/b] Saito leaned back against the edge of the bar, making sure that he was balanced enough so that physics would not screw him over and send him to the ground. His sinister expression was cut into an exasperated sigh as Shu brought up the whole ordeal about a certain person or people framing them for a series of violent crimes that had been occurring recently in Shizume City. And it made sense to frame them, too; surprisingly, they held a reputation for being the most brutal clan among the seven clans, yet... [b]"Seriously, screw those Greens,"[/b] Saito slammed a fist down onto the bar, infuriated by the idea of them being the ones that were framing them for things that they didn't do. If anything, they were the ones who kept things in order when the Blue Clan was busy doing their pointless paperwork. [b]"I ought to teach those scumbags a lesson..."[/b] Saito looked somewhat disappointed as Shu directed the next statement towards him, stating that they were not allowed to attack the Green Clan for the time being as if he was being shut down instantly. He smirked as the real Shu came out for a short moment afterwards, though. He straightened his back and sat upright, arms folded as he surveyed the clansmen. [b]"I don't think I'd mine total annihilation of our enemies one bit. Right, guys?"[/b] There was scattered chatter among the group as Saito hopped off of the chair and onto his feet. [b]"After all..."[/b] he raised a fist into the air. [b]"No blood, no bone, no ash!"[/b] he repeatedly chanted, rallying the clansmen by their motto. [i]Wiping out a clan like the Greens... I can't wait.[/i]