Ba'al didn't pay much attention to the blond human that emerged from the rocks much as he had to join the group, admiring the large dragon that Sorin had managed to subdue with his abilities. She certainly seemed well armed and prepared, though he'd still take his Zat over that pistol any day. More effective, and definitely could be used for a longer period of time. Though he knew how to use a firearm should he have one, he would stick with his own weapon for now. Then a rat...mole...thing emerged from the rocks, chastising said newcomer for inflating Sorin's ego (Not something Ba'al opposed. Inflated egos were useful for the inevitable betrayal), before dropping from the rocks and vaulting up onto the dragon, making the undead creature it's perch. How enjoyable. For the moment Ba'al had an amusing image of it's expression as the dragon tried to eat him, but he had a feeling that that wouldn't be happening. "Congratulations," Ba'al commented, looking upwards. "I don't suppose I have to remind you that the higher up one is, the further there is to fall." As one who had had to climb from the bottom to where he was, he understood that very well. Then the questions, which Ba'al could handle easy. "Those are our competitors. I am Ba'al, Supreme Commander of the Goa'uld Empire," he replied in a practiced introduction. "There was no tea. But as may have been communicated to you, we are all taking part in a series of challenges at the behest of the Watcher. The winner of all the challenges will be granted a wish, for anything they desire. If no one wins, then we will be stuck with all the other competitors until someone wins. And death is permanent, so I suggest avoiding that if possible."