[b]House Name:[/b] Finisterre [b]Head of House:[/b] Sebastian Finisterre [b]House Specialty: [/b] House Finisterre is known for their highly prominent Windsingers, in combiniation with their archers. [b]House Ancestral Weapon:[/b] Wyrmspine- An ancient longbow said to have been made from the spine of one of the great Wyrms. It channels wind through the hollow center of the spine, which a skilled Windsinger (which the head of house Finsterre always is) can manipulate in order to guide their arrow to always hit it's mark. Wyrmspine is always the first attow to fly against the enemies of Finisterre. [b]Important members:[/b] Sebastian Finisterre, head of house FInisterre. Accomplished Windsinger, and current holder of Wyrmspine. Ansel Finisterre, brother of Sebastian, and commander of the melee troupe. Also a very skilled WIndsinger and tactician. Flore Finisterre, wife of Sebastian, and secretkeeper of the realm. Emeric Finisterre, heir apparent. Is an accomplished archer in the ranged troupe, but seems to be a far weaker Windsinger than his younger brother. Leon FInisterre, youngest son of Sebastian. Highly acclaimed Windsinger for his age. Maevis Finisterre, only daughter of Sabastian, and older sister of Leon. Was born "sickly", meaning she does not posess the abilities of a WIndsinger, the first of her bloodline in centuries to lack it. [b]Nation/Realms Name: [/b] The Windfall Hills, or simply Windfall- Titled for the near constant "waterfalls" of wind that pour over the area from the mountains. [b]Sigil: [/b] A golden arrow pointing down, with a tempest of silver wind swirling around it on a black background. Has a wavy silver border around it. When at war, the sigil used has the silver and gold parts flipped, as well as the direction the arrow is facing. [b]House Motto:[/b] From the hills, we rain/reign. The meaning of the last word changes depending on whether the country is at peace, or at war. [b]Region/color on map:[/b] Dark purple, in the bottom right of the map. [img=http://i.imgur.com/FptxVES.png] [b]Race name: [/b] WIndsingers. Due to the amount of proficcient Windsingers born in the area, they have considered themselves a seperate race entirely, taking the name Windsinger as their own. [b]Racial appearance:[/b] No difference. [b]Racial traits: [/b] The only difference is as the name states. People born Windsingers are born proficcient in the magic. [b]Capital:[/b] The Silver City/Whitefort [b]Capital Population:[/b] TBD [b]Other Major Settlements:[/b] Tempest Lake/The Marble Tower. Located at the lake in the far North-West of the territory, this area serves as a school for many young Windsingers to train and master the art. Almost religious in institution. Maelstrom Bay. The only place in all of Windfall with enough access to the sea to house ships. Songshire. The largest mining village, and source of much of the regions SIlver. It is names for the sounds made when the winds blow through the caves. Greenfield. The only area in all of WIndfall capable of supporting a healthy farming community. Sits on the border of Windfall and The Endless Plains. Whitewall. Houses the marble quarries of WIndfall, and the lage community of people who gather it for the nation. [b]Population: [/b] TBD [b]Culture:[/b] Very independent people, even while still serving under the Phoenix Throne. They don't truly get along with others, and expect outsiders to speak their language and adapt to their culture when visiting WIndfall. They are very proud, and will become aggressive towards anyone who suggests they were forced to submit to the Phoenix throne, instead insisting that after years of fighting, they agreed to the peace for the benefits being part of the empire would provide. They are very proud of their sculptors and buildings made of the marble and silver which are all produced locally. They also pride themselves in their army, which they see as far superior to any other on the continent. [b]Type of Government: [/b] Tanistry [b]Influence and relations: [/b] WIP [b]Military -[/b] (Waiting for pop to get this done) [b]Landscape:[/b] The majority is made of hills and mountains, with only a small amount of arable flatland along the border of the Endless Plains. Light forests are abundant, as are stone and marble quarries. Fresh water runs down from the mountains, and rain is very common. [b]Wildlife:[/b] The forests and hills of Windfall are abundant with deer, boar, sheep and rabbits, providing the area in meat what they lack in grain. Ibex are also common further up toward the mountains, as are birds of prey. Large mountain lions also roam the landscape, and are a threat to both the hunters and the game. [b]History:[/b] WIP [b]Strengths: [/b] Extremely defendable land between the thick forests and high hills. Highly skilled Windsinger-archers. Plenty of valuable ore and stone. Plenty of game and sheep to make up for what they lack in farmland. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] The only arable land sits on the border, on flatlands. The Marble Tower is far away from the rest of the nation, across a mountain range. Absolutely no cavalry, and a weak melee force. Extremely easy to blockade, and a very small navy. Keeps distant from other nations, maintaining the bare minimum in alliances and trade. Arrogance and pride keep them from fully integrating with everyone else. [b]Export:[/b] Lumber, marble, raw ore, archietects and mercenaries. [b]Import:[/b] Food of all kinds, linen and other fibers for clothes and bowstrings, glass, livestock and work animals, armor and weapons