Elsa grabbed Alex's arm getting him to stop and look at her. "Don't. Please. I don't know what that thing is. And I highly doubt it can be killed." She wasn't used to crying herself. She hadn't had much reason to do it, beyond as a kid when she got really hurt. But even then, she hasn't cried much. She gave him a small smile barely there beyond her fear of whatever the heck that thing had been, thankful for his small show of comfort. He must have been as uneasy in giving it as she was still unused to getting it. "You might not have seen this thing, but I promise, there is something extremely unnatural about it. I don't know its strengths and that worries me. Not to mention I never in my entire existence saw that thing before in my travels in the forest. So can we please get out of here? I have a terrible feeling in my gut, and I always listen to my instincts as they never led me wrong." She pleads, only once having to plead for something before this in her life.