"I've scaled the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt twice actually and I've done some fieldwork there two years ago. Over 4,000 years old. By King Cheops, it's one of the largest constructions ever made by man and one of the seven wonders of the world," he said remember all the visits he made to the ancient sites of Egypt. "I actually have a piece with me from a dig I was able to attend as a child at Howard Carter's dig in 1908, and I was present when the archaeologist found and opened architect Kha's tomb in Egypt." He walked over to his briefcase and opened it up, reaching into one of the pockets he pulled out an object wrapped in cloth. Indy unwrapped it and showed the class. "This is the Jackal headpiece was an Egyptian artifact gifted to Kha the architect by his pharaoh. It originally adorned a statue of Kha placed within the architect's tomb, and was found within a secret chamber. According to hieroglyphs found on the walls of the secret chamber, the headpiece possessed 'eyes of fire' indicating its eyes were precious stones." He looked at the clock as it was time to end his first class. [i]Finally.[/i] "That's all for today, I'll see you all on Wednesday," Indy finished as he began to collect his notes. Most the students cleared out as if a fire alarm was raised. Indy didn't think he was that bad. Katherine had been watching Jackie make her comments and before she got up she made her way over to her desk. "So it looks like we have a new teacher as well as pet," she said to Jackie snidely walking away to her next class making sure to say good bye to Professor Jones before she left. Dr. Black walked over to Indy, placed a cane on his desk, and shot him a stern look. "Just remember Dr. Jones, stick to the syllabus," he said to Indy before walking out of the classroom. [i]Great, this guy is worse than my Father.[/i] Indy grabbed his fedora and decided it was about time for stroll around campus.