Jackie smiled, hearing his answer. At least he decided to answer her. Some people didn't even answer her with how smart she was. But her smile disappeared when she heard Katherine call her a pet. A few people bumped into her and her glasses fell, cracking on the floor. She sighed, taking out a back up pair and through her glasses away and slipping her new ones on. She grabbed her messenger back and looked at him. She went up to him, holding a book by her chest. "Don't take it personally...he's a bit of an ass..." She said, looking back after Dr. Black. "Just....steer clear and don't say the wrong thing because it'll get you in trouble, Dr. Jones...trust me...on that. I know." SHe said, giving him a fair warning. Jackie walked out of the classroom and sat down on a bench outside. Her next class didn't start for a little while so she had the time. She didn't have any friends and this is where she usually say because she had no one to talk to. She opened her book up and looked at the book. It was an archeology book. "He left me they for a reason, but why." She whispered. "I must keep it safe." She said softly. She sighed softly, shutting her book. "He was my only friend. Now what am I supposed to do? Why isn't Julius here." Julius was her step-brother. Jackie whimpered softly. "I already know I can't make friends with Dr. Jones....now with Katherine around. It'll give them more reasons to bully me." She put her face in her book and screamed. Her voice was muffled. "M-maybe I can make friends with him...ugh what do I do!" She was talking to herself again. Why was she talking to herself? "I need a life!!" She sighed. She was thinking about what was she going to do. She looked around, no one was around so no one knew. She shook her head slightly. She needed a friend. MAybe she could show Dr. Jones around.