Ah good. They were talking. This was more conversation with humans than Mithias had had all year. Mithias delighted in the man's expressive eyes, hearty stance, and above all, his curious patience. However, things were still touchy. This could end in fighting or fleeing without notice. Mithias exhaled a breath, deciding the truth would be the most entertaining, and likely most productive. He answered, "I was there when the blast went off." Mithias swiftly held up a hand to delay Alex from any interrupting him with rash action. "The bomber is human, Alex. It isn't me. ... Yes, I am what you suspect. A hunter shouldn't have any doubt of that." Seeing the human confused, angry, and hesitating, Mithias gave a little more information. "I chased him as soon as I saw him, but he blinded me and escaped. He appears to know a fair amount of alchemy." The vampire reached into his pocket as he spoke, watching Alex for any sudden attacks. "Take this. It belongs to you." He carefully tossed the picture to him. "I took it from your room. You'll have to forgive my kleptomaniac sentimentality, but it will verify my story." Mithias allowed himself a hidden smirk behind the eave of his cloak. Alex looked practically stunned. "I have no reason to lie to you."