Jackie had never expected him to come and sit beside her so she looked a little surprised, closing her book and smiled slightly, removing her glasses and slipping them into her messenger bag. "I don't have any friends, not here anyways....not anywhere else I don't think either." She said with a small shrug of her shoulders, looking down at her book and sighing, shaking her head, but then she gave a slight smile. "Indy? Alrighty then. Well I'm Jackie...just...Jackie." She said, hating her actual name that most people called her. Jackie smiled at him, nodding a little bet. "Well Indy, good luck with teaching here." She said with a happy smile. "You just have to beware of Dr. Black. He's thick and mean...." She chuckled a little bit, rubbing the back of her neck and shaking her head. "It's indeed a nice day, but....doesn't mean it's nice inside...jus nice in color and nice in the sky...in everything other than what's behind it all." She put her book away and put her hands in her lap. "So how are you enjoying your first day?" She asked nervously.