Jackie bit her bottom lip as she pulled her messenger back closer to her and shook her head slightly. "No no....it was nothing...j-just a book! That's all." She gave a short and small shrug. "Just a book someone gave to me. It's really important." She said, looking down and at her bag. No one was allowed to know about this book. "Well, Dr. Black is or was my guardian. My parents passed away and guess who got stuck with him. I did. I hate it..." Jackie rubbed her face and looked down at her hands and then him. "You'd be surprised of why I hate it and why I'd rather be living in my own." She chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of her neck and shook her head again. "And about that book....it's important....something my mentor left me before he died. I want to figure out who killed him. Apparently it was brutal." Jackie looked down at her hands. "I don't know why someone would kill him."