Merek stepped into the tavern just after his new Sergeant. He stepped to the side to let the rest of the group in while a space was cleared for them, in the meantime he looked around the tavern, scoping it out to some extent. It wasn't a very 'nice' or good looking establishment, but what tavern that isn't filled with pansies is all that 'nice'. Most of the occupants of the bar were fishermen, no one was really drinking this early on in the day unless they were unemployed or off for the day. A few other groups of marines could be spotted dotted around the bar, but they were mostly those yet to be put into a group who were taking a quick swig before they had to meet their new commanding officer. He sat at the table across from, Hunter. He poured a small amount of the ale into the rather grimy mug provided for him and took a swig before listening to his sergeants rather 'enthralling tale' of his life and the small fragment of what could have been added to some momentous and awe inspiring final speech made by some commander right before his face was shot with an arrow and his army was killed by the opposing force. The mental image didn't add a whole lot to Merek's overall mood to be honest. The mention of the Jadelyn war did seem a bit interesting though, he had heard about it during a stay in a tavern in Lacomyn and from the tone of the sergeants voice, it obviously didn't go well for the Jadelyn 1st army. He looked about the group to see who would take over after, Hunter, after a short while Merek decided to pipe up and give them his life story. "My name is [i]ser[/i] Merek Harclay of Mountmend.", He said 'ser' with the sort of snide tone he would have spoken it with about nobles before he was actually made one. "I grew up on a farm and then met some bloke who knew a bit about swords. Long story short, he took me on a few [i]whimsical[/i] adventures and taught me how to use a sword. Most of what I learned about actually using a sword is from first-hand experience though, I was in a different army a few years ago, but left and done a wee bit of mercenary work on the side when I was heading back up to Mountmend." He took another drink before continuing. "Turns out some barbarian scumbags ransacked the village and the noble overseeing my village was too busy fighting some other war to send a few troops down to save the little folk. I gathered a few of the remaining men and attacked the barbarians myself just before I went to go and have a word with the noble. Turns out the noble was so grateful of my work that he gave me a small sack of gold and the honourary [i]privilege[/i] of being called a ser." He sort of motioned towards the torn and slightly burnt flag bearing the sigil of a blue lion hanging by a thin piece of string on his cloak. "Joined Echelon because to be frank, farming is about as exciting as watching grass grow for a living, literally and fighting is just about the only thing I know how to do to a somewhat good degree other than planting a turnip every few months." He took a third swig of his drink before grabbing one of the pins and pinning it to the rope that held his house banner up on his arm. "That's about it really" He said before waiting for the rest of the group to get over with their introductions. If anything they were a ragtag looking bunch, but Merek was one to speak, looking like he'd just walked out of a warzone when he hadn't been in a good fight for about two months.