Sage continued to watch the reds. unsurprisingly they got rowdy. "it wouldnt be the Reds without their chant" He assumed that was the end of the meeting so he set his binoculars down and rubbed his eyes. "despite being so rowdy they are the ones closest to normality. they interact most with the general population. where As Septor four tend to maintain the supernatural affairs. JUNGLE was the vague kingdom while Usagi watched. Silver mine as well have been a myth and the colorless king...didnt matter. " Sage let out a sigh and checked on the bar one more time before leaving his spot. Once he was on the street level he put his headphones back in his ears and pressed play. As music filled his ears he made his way across town. though tempted to take the long way and peek in on another Clan he figured it was better to go straight to Usagi and argue. This wasnt a new argument either. Sage had been trying to break cover for a while now. The Clans were learning how to keep secrets and The Usagi wanted answers without interfering. How anyone expected that to work was anyones guess but it was stupid. The common rebuttle he would get was that Scepter 4 handles most matters. That was true, and they do their job well usually but then Usagi complains about not knowing things. Blue doesnt have or give answers and Gold is left in the dark. But far be it from them to change their ways and ask some questions. when he got to HQ it was the same old song. He reports, argues his case. gets reprimanded. Argues some more. this was far to common and it was really getting on his nerves. Usagi was the authority, but did not exercise it. instead they ran around in rabbit mask scaring off the media.