[B]I am Paulette Thetis daughter of Peitho and her successor. Please forgive me my rude game as I wished to see if your tongue were as talented as mine and disappointed I do not find myself.[/B] she says then looks into the stone [B]What an interesting stone, when gazed into one may see the beginning and aftermath of a storm[/B] she says as she presents her empty hand to Lucius palm up. There is a brief riot of colorful light in the hollow of her hand which reveals a small ball of twine. [B]For a tongue so bold and fitted to a being of celestial birth I offer my token to you.[/B] says the young goddess with a gentle smile [B]It is one of my symbols and most noted among them for I am the heir to my mother's station. The Negotiator, Seductress and Persuader. This ball symbolizes the binding words of my tongue [/B]