[quote=darkwolf687] Ah, I thought you meant different makes of processor, I was sitting their scratching my head lolTrue enough, but we aren't talking an upgrade in technology here, not some upgrade of processors. This is a being which can upgrade its intelligence by building a new brain, by absorbing individuals into it. To date, no computer has outdone the human mind. The power of the mind is insane, if one could connect even a handful of brains together and operate them, they could put the power of computers to shame... And we're not even talking about superior intelligence in aliens or constructs. I do believe unbreakable encryptions are generally "unbreakable" in the terms that it is unfeasible for us to bother due to complexity and time, not that they are literally unbreakable... And if you were able to acquire the key, say the one inside your computers being used to decode the messages, then it would be solved instantly. I would like to point out an autistic guy from the UK broke into the pentagons top secret files searching for UFO evidence... These files were heavily encrypted and he was using a desktop computer.Technically speaking, its possible that none of this matters as the collective intelligence outstrips the computers, we probably have the problem with a brute force attack that both our systems might crash from the massive amount of data that such a powerful collective intelligence would be trying to force through, only for it to resume when the systems are rebooted, subsequently crashing our systems again. It could very well become an annoying situation for all involved, until one of the systems inevitably gets completely toasted and has to be replaced [/quote] Yeah likely. [quote=ASTA] FTL and weaponized particle accelerators, yet organic technology is still magically superior to machinery. [/quote] From what Darkwolf said he's not entirely organic. He just incorporates whatever tech he finds, which has led to certain ships being some of the most advanced things in the galaxy, to a few having stuff barely above what we considered a fire-arm today. Edit:Also what you said about the processing power of the brain is true Dark. They have actually built a super-computer more powerful then the human brain, but being a computer it cant preform the same-types of operations as our brains, and our brains are much more efficient.