Acele turned in her papers the gruff looking recruiter gave her a nod and told her to return the next day, she curtseyed to the recruiter and thanked him which got her a eye brow raise and a grunt for her troubles. Acele turned away after that and walked to the inn she was staying at and almost instantly fell asleep. [b]The next day.[/b] The next day Acele paid for her room and headed for the docks, she made it in time for them to announce squads, this recruiter was less war torn than the one she met which made the healer feel a bit better. Soon enough the man started listing off names and after what felt like forever Acele's name was called, she was the last of her squad called so she felt all of their eyes on her or (so she though anyways.) As she walked over. Acele stood with the squad, she was one of shortest and least imposing figures in the group, she looked like she didn't belong. [i]"By the gods all of them look like they could tear a man in half."[/i] She thought, apparently she was lost in thought for awhile as the group started moving on without her so she jogged to catch up and fell in behind everyone. Apparently their destination was a tavern, and they all squeezed together at one table, their leader threw their emblems on the table some had dried blood on it, so Acele picked one that was realtivly clean and clipped it to her robe, as soon as the drinks arrived their leader.. Hunter was his name if she remembered correctly, asked them what they did and why they were here. Before she answered she pushed her drink to the middle of the table "Whoever wants it, they can have it i don't drink, as for what I do I heal people." She said.