[b] Tadashi Sakurai [/b] Tadashi liked Matsura. He was a straight to the point, no nonsense kind of guy, which made him kind of easy to work with. He respected him too, because Matsura was smart, smarter than Tadashi would ever be. And the best part was, it really didn't seem like the Green King minded too bad that Tadashi could be a bit of an airhead sometimes. So the mechanic never really questioned him. Maybe he joked around sometimes, but when Matsura wanted him to do something, he almost always did it. Which was exactly why he ended up on the couch when instructed. Although his position soon changed to laying on the couch with his feet hanging over the arm and the top of his head close to Matsura. Tadashi never had been good at keeping still. He'd been around when they set up the first cameras. Actually, he'd been one of the people to do it. It kind of hurt a little bit to know that the Red's had destroyed his hard work. Not as upset as others probably, because more cameras could always be installed, but it was still a little bit of a downer. When handed the bug, Tadashi held it out in front of him, examining it. He wasn't really one for small things like this. They made his head hurt and were really delicate, but he could appreciate them. Even after the device was taken back, he continued to play close attention to what his boss was saying. It sounded a lot like an infiltration mission to him, which was a hell of a lot more exciting than what they'd been doing for the last few days. "I think I do," Tadashi responded, swinging his feet that were still hanging over the side of the couch. "But won't it be tough to get these into the Red's base without them trying to burn us all to death?" Really, being a victim of that fiery red aura did not sound fun at all. Tadashi rolled over, propping his head up on his hands. "But you've probably got a plan, right?" The fact that Shizu and her companion weren't too happy about his presence went so far over his head they might as well have not been unhappy about it in the first place. ------- [b]Mikami Kumini [/b] His lieutenant, surprisingly, wasn't in the office. Mikami set the stack of paper work down on the lone desk in the room, and left a note explaining what it was. His handwriting was as sharp as ever, and was something that Mikami prided himself on. Before returning to his quiet obviously anxious subordinate, Mikami shot off a quick text to his neighbor, apologizing for not coming home last night. He was sure he would get a response telling him not to worry about it, but it was still proper to apologize anyways. With that, he left his lieutenants office and went back to Cho, who was still standing in the same place he left her. While she wasn't quite shaking, it was obvious she was nervous. A large part of Mikami felt a little bit bad for her, but a slightly more sadistic part kind of liked that he had that effect on people. It was easier to get things done that way, and, with all the legal hoops they had to jump through, sometimes it was just easier to be a little bit intimidating. "Let's get going then," the Blue King said as he headed towards the main entrance of the building. "I trust you've been on patrol before?" If he was lucky, then she would say that she had in fact been on patrol before. If he wasn't, which he rarely was, then she would say she hadn't and then he had just a little bit more work to do than before. Mikami hoped this was one of his rare lucky days. "I'm sure you're capable even if you haven't, but there are a few refreshers that probably wouldn't hurt." His very slightly heeled boots clicked on the ground as he walked, saber swinging ever so slightly on his left hip. Despite his young appearance, Mikami exuded an air of confidence and power as he walked. He liked that. Confident and strong with a regal appearance was an easy facade to keep up.