CS First Name: Milo Last Name: Cash Gender: Male [X] Female [ ] * Check one box Real Age: ____( IF NON HUMAN ) School Age: 15 ( Try to be an original school age. ) [hider=Appearance] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/232/f/5/ker_ris_by_omupied-d6izcc3.jpg] [/hider] Race: Neko Wolf [ ] Neko Kitten [ ] Vampire [ ] Human [X] ( are you a Hunter? yes [X] or no [ ] This is only a option for Humans ) Weapon: [hider=Monk Spade] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/322/9/8/983c1e1231add1650904f940ae14a11c.jpg] [/hider] [hider=Hook Sword] [img=http://files.a-d-e-s-a-m.webnode.com/200000032-0f734106fd/386885797_589.jpg] [/hider] Bio/Backround story: (Is TBR Allowed (I do better at backstories when I build them in the IC)