Time seemed to be ticking by at an excruciating pace as she waited for Mikami to return. Cho waited patiently for him to come back so they could depart. Even if he didn’t offer her a coffee, she would buy her own later on in the patrol. She had to have some kind of sugar in her system in order to get through the day. If not… she would probably have to fight the urge to pass out at her desk. If she did, she would get in trouble, and she couldn’t afford to be yelled at. The thought of being scolded only made Cho more nervous, and, in order to calm her frayed nerves, began to make sure that she looked decent enough. She pulled at her collar and pushed some stray strands of hair away from her face. [i]There. At least I don’t look like a complete mess.[/i] Cho’s gaze brightened up when Mikami approached her again. At last, she would be able to go outside; she would be able to feel the fresh air on her face after doing that large stack of paperwork. At Mikami’s words, her grin returned to her lips and her eyes glowed with excitement. [b]”I’ve been on patrol a few times.”[/b] she told him as she walked by his side. [b]”I’m pretty sure that I can handle myself. There’s no need to be worried about being embarrassed by a new member.”[/b] She told herself that she probably shouldn’t be speaking to him in such a familiar way, but she just couldn’t help it. It wasn’t like she was offending him, right? She watched him from the corner of her eye as they walked. Mikami carried himself with confidence, something that she admired. Cho disliked people who held high positions and were hesitant in their actions. But Mikami was different—he was a man who could handle himself and was confident about what he was doing. [b]”So,”[/b] she murmured as she walked outside. [b]”What do you think about the current issues involving HOMRA?”[/b] Her amber-brown eyes now rested on him once more as she waited for his answer. She was genuinely curious about what he thought. Rumors often floated around SCEPTER 4 like a dark cloud, but she knew that they were only rumors, and promptly ignored them. [i]If I know what Mikami is planning on doing, then I can calm down a little bit more.[/i] [b]”I hear a lot of rumors as I’m filling out paperwork. Maybe you should make your intentions clear to the rest of the Blue Clan?”[/b] [i]Okay,[/i] Cho thought, flinching. [i]I’m really pushing it, now. Trying to give advice to Mikami… what exactly am I thinking?[/i]