Jackie smiled, nodding a bit as she stepped back. "Ok let's go then." She smiled, looking at him. "Just so you know....I'm kind of antisocial. I haven't talked this much in years, but I guess when you have no one to talk to that's the punishment." She told him, turning around and walking. She was feeling something in her stomach, like she was being watched so her eyes kept shifting to the side. Her hands were shaking a bit as she was afraid of someone seeing her book. "That girl in class...that talked to you. She hates me...first day I was in my mentor's class she embarrassed me in front of everyone. I don't know....she just....well people like ruining my life." Jackie said, looking forward. "She's probably going to again too. I just know it, at least once a week. Next it'll be a snake. I can't stand snakes. They scare the crap out of me."