Ahoy thar. I'm Mr. 86. I've been roleplaying for ten or eleven years now. I started off in the Sonic fandom, but eventually grew out of it when I couldn't bring myself to continue with their typical fare. I've since moved on to a variety of genres, always being sure to add my own twists to the plots. I understand this will probably make everyone hate me, but I want to be clear that there are a number of things that rub me the wrong way in RPs. These include: 1. Super dark and depressing nonsense. I used to like that too. Then I hit puberty. 2. Characters who are literally anime characters under different names. That's just lazy. 3. High school alternate universes with no imagination. My flagship character now exists specifically to make fun of those. 4. People who play vampires simply to be edgy, especially when they're given cop-out superpowers. 5. Unoriginal RP titles. Nobody wants to join an RP if there's fifty others just like it. And probably other stuff that's mostly just related to lack of common sense. As a result, you can expect stuff from me that's largely light-hearted and full of action, but which will cause you to question your normal notions of what roleplaying can constitute. Put simply, I'm the guy who's going to subvert every trope. And if you don't know what that means... well, you will. To the RP section! *flees, holding a rapier in his teeth*