The Doctor sighed and looked at Jinx "I know he was once a villain. I am watching him carefully...but Im not so good either." He said somberly. The Doctor looked at her with a look of seriousness and loss "Ive done things....things that would make people love me...and some that would make this planet fear me....make me look worse then Luthor. Jinx you wouldnt want to know the tings Ive done in my 900 years of living. If you knew...if the council knew, you would all fearme." The Doctor said "Ive seen people who hated me or were evil and became good people and do fantastic things. I believe that is true for anyone." The Doctor smiled and said "Im going back to the meeting. Im working on the TARDIS later. Your more then welcome to join me." The Doctor walked back to the meeting Luthor smiled and nodded in Makoto direction as he walked in. Luthor listened to Zeriah's offer and approved "I fact I offer to help with the technology of this project." The Doctor came back listening to the idea and nods "I agree too.....Ive seen foes from across the universe. I agree this plan will be goos idea." The Doctor asked "Anyone else before we vote?"