When her mother died, Centiel went into a sort of emotional lock-down. She'd thought that she had cried herself dry nearly ten years ago when she lost her father, but it turned out that the pain of death doesn't dull. She all but stopped sleeping and eating, and only reported to work because she didn't actually have a choice. Unfortunately, her slump didn't go unnoticed; her productivity was suffering, and that was something that was never allowed to go unchecked. In less than a week, she was demoted to miner and shipped off to some backwater asteroid facility, and it was made very clear that she was on probation; either her work picked up again, or she would be deemed "useless". And she was under no illusions about what happened to humans that became useless. Centiel had had low expectations of what she would find at her new home; a tough facility full of tough people doing tough work. The whole prospect of the move was daunting. But now that she was here, she was starting to hear whispers of something; something big. Behind closed doors there was talk of revolt, an overthrow of the system, a human uprising. And that was something she could get behind. So as she put on her rough, ill-fitting workers clothes and joined the other miners on their way to work, she allowed herself the ghost of the first true smile she'd had in weeks.